Definition of terribly


tồi tệ, không chịu nổi


Definition of undefined

"Terribly" originally meant "in a terrifying manner," derived from the Old English word "terribilis," meaning "terrible." This stemmed from the Latin "terrere," meaning "to frighten." Over time, the word evolved to express degrees of intensity, becoming more general in meaning. Now, "terribly" is often used as an intensifier, expressing a high degree of something, not necessarily fear, like "terribly sorry" or "terribly hot."




  • I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you?

    Tôi vô cùng xin lỗi—tôi có làm tổn thương bạn không?

  • It's terribly important for parents to be consistent.

    Điều cực kỳ quan trọng đối với cha mẹ là phải nhất quán.

  • I’m not terribly interested in politics.

    Tôi không thực sự quan tâm đến chính trị.

very much; very badly

rất nhiều; rất tệ

  • I miss him terribly.

    Tôi nhớ anh ấy kinh khủng.

  • They suffered terribly when their son was killed.

    Họ đau khổ tột cùng khi con trai họ bị giết.

  • The experiment went terribly wrong.

    Thí nghiệm đã sai lầm khủng khiếp.

  • Would you mind terribly if I didn’t come today?

    Bạn có phiền lắm nếu hôm nay tôi không đến không?