Definition of fat


béo, béo bở, mỡ, chất béo


Definition of undefined

The word "fat" has a fascinating history. It originated from Old English and Germanic words, such as "feit" (flesh) and "fetta" (to feed). In Middle English (circa 1100-1500 AD), the word "fat" referred to a person who was nourished or well-fed, not necessarily meaning corpulent or obese. The association with body fat emerged later, in the 16th century. At that time, "fat" came to mean "full of fat" or "plump," indicating a person with a rounded or corpulent body. Interestingly, the Latin word "grassus" (meaning "fat" or "fleshy") was adopted into Middle English as "fat," further solidifying the connection between the word and body composition. Over time, the meaning of "fat" has evolved to encompass various connotations, including physical appearance, health, and even dairy products (e.g., fat cow, fat milk). Despite these developments, the word's roots remain rooted in Germanic and Latin linguistic heritage.


having too much flesh on it and weighing too much

có quá nhiều thịt trên đó và nặng quá

  • a big fat man/woman

    một người đàn ông/phụ nữ to béo

  • You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.

    Bạn sẽ béo lên nếu ăn quá nhiều sôcôla.

  • He grew fatter and fatter.

    Anh ngày càng béo hơn.

  • I was ashamed of my fat flabby legs.

    Tôi xấu hổ vì đôi chân béo phệ của mình.

Extra examples:
  • I was sitting next to a big fat man.

    Tôi đang ngồi cạnh một người đàn ông to béo.

  • Try to cut out the foods that are making you fat.

    Cố gắng cắt bỏ những thực phẩm khiến bạn béo.

Related words and phrases

containing a lot of fat

chứa nhiều chất béo

  • fat bacon/sausages

    xúc xích/thịt xông khói béo

thick or wide

dày hoặc rộng

  • a fat volume on American history

    một khối lượng lớn về lịch sử nước Mỹ

  • a big fat envelope stuffed with banknotes

    một phong bì to béo nhét đầy tiền giấy

large in quantity; worth a lot of money

lớn về số lượng; đáng giá rất nhiều tiền

  • a fat sum/profit

    một khoản tiền/lợi nhuận béo bở

  • He gave me a nice fat cheque.

    Anh ấy đưa cho tôi một tấm séc béo bở.


(a) fat chance (of something/doing something)
(informal)used for saying that you do not believe something is likely to happen
  • ‘They might let us in without tickets.’ ‘Fat chance of that!’
  • Fat chance of him helping you!
  • a fat lot of good, use, etc.
    (informal)not at all good or useful
  • Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.
  • it’s not over until the fat lady sings
    (saying)used for saying that a situation may still change, for example that a contest, election, etc. is not finished yet, and somebody still has a chance to win it