Definition of fancifully


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The word "fancifully" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Old French word "fancifole," which means "fantastical" or "whimsical." This term is derived from the Latin words "fanum," meaning "temple" or "shrine," and "fugare," meaning "to flee." Together, these words likely referred to the ancient Roman cult of the goddess Venus, who was often depicted as a flighty or unpredictable figure. Over time, the word "fancifully" evolved to mean "in a fanciful or whimsical manner." It is often used to describe something that is imaginative, playful, or capricious. Examples of its usage include phrases such as "she spoke fancifully about her dreams" or "the story unfolded fancifully, full of fantastical creatures and magical spells." Today, the word remains a charming and evocative way to describe something that is delightfully fanciful and full of wonder.


in a way that is based on imagination and not facts or reason

theo cách dựa trên trí tưởng tượng chứ không phải sự thật hay lý lẽ

  • Some critics fancifully suggest this symbol represents the power of evil.

    Một số nhà phê bình thích thú cho rằng biểu tượng này tượng trưng cho sức mạnh của cái ác.

in a way that is unusual and shows imagination

theo một cách khác thường và thể hiện trí tưởng tượng

  • fancifully decorated instruments

    nhạc cụ được trang trí cầu kỳ