Definition of creatively


sáng tạo


The word "creatively" has its roots in the Latin words "creare," meaning "to create," and "ative," meaning "pertaining to" or "in a specified way." The word "creatively" was first used in the 17th century in the English language. Initially, the word "creative" was used to describe something that was made or brought into being, such as a creative work of art. Over time, the adjective "creative" took on a broader meaning, encompassing not just the act of creation, but also the process of bringing new and imaginative ideas into being. The adverb "creatively" emerged as a natural extension of the adjective, describing the manner in which something is created or done. Today, "creatively" is widely used to describe innovative and imaginative approaches to problem-solving, thinking, and artistic expression.


in a way that involves the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art

theo cách liên quan đến việc sử dụng kỹ năng và trí tưởng tượng để tạo ra cái gì đó mới hoặc một tác phẩm nghệ thuật

  • to think/work creatively

    suy nghĩ/làm việc sáng tạo

in a way that is connected with somebody's ability or desire to produce something new or to produce art

theo cách liên quan đến khả năng hoặc mong muốn của ai đó để tạo ra cái gì đó mới hoặc tạo ra nghệ thuật

  • creatively satisfying work

    công việc thỏa mãn sáng tạo