Definition of fabrication


sự bịa đặt


"Fabrication" originates from the Latin word "fabricāre," meaning "to make, to construct, to build." The word entered English in the 14th century, initially referring to the process of building or constructing something. Over time, the meaning broadened to include the creation of something false or misleading, hence its use in the context of lies or deception. The evolution of the word reflects the duality of "fabrication" - it can refer to the creation of something real and tangible, as well as something imaginary or fabricated.


false information that is invented in order to trick people; the act of inventing such information

thông tin sai sự thật được bịa ra nhằm lừa gạt mọi người; hành động phát minh ra thông tin đó

  • Her story was a complete fabrication from start to finish.

    Câu chuyện của cô hoàn toàn là bịa đặt từ đầu đến cuối.

the process of making or producing goods, equipment, etc. from various different materials

quá trình chế tạo hoặc sản xuất hàng hóa, thiết bị, v.v. từ nhiều loại vật liệu khác nhau

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