Definition of forgery


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The word "forgery" has its roots in the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "forgier," meaning "to forge or fabricate." This Old French word is derived from the Latin "forgiare," which is a metaphorical extension of "focus," meaning "hearth" or "forge." In the early Middle Ages, a forgery referred to a metalwork or a blacksmith's work produced on a forge or anvil. Later, during the 15th century, the term started to be used to describe a handwritten copy or an imitation of a document, such as a will or a deed, created by a scribe or a forger. Over time, the meaning of forgery expanded to include the creation of fake or false documents, artworks, and even digital content. Today, the term is widely used to describe any type of copied or falsified material that is intended to deceive or mislead others.


the crime of copying money, documents, etc. in order to cheat people

tội sao chép tiền, giấy tờ, v.v. để lừa đảo mọi người

something, for example a document, piece of paper money, etc., that has been copied in order to cheat people

cái gì đó, ví dụ như một tài liệu, một tờ tiền, v.v., đã được sao chép nhằm lừa gạt người khác

  • Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a forgery.

    Các chuyên gia đã bác bỏ tuyên bố rằng bức tranh này là đồ giả.

  • If the signature on the deed is a forgery, the whole legal position changes.

    Nếu chữ ký trên giấy tờ là giả mạo thì toàn bộ tình hình pháp lý sẽ thay đổi.

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