Definition of fabricate


chế tạo


The word "fabricate" has a rich history. It originated from the Latin word "fabricare," which means "to make or weave." In the 15th century, the Latin term was borrowed into Middle English and evolved into "fabricate." Initially, the word referred to creating or constructing things, such as woven fabrics or buildings. Over time, the meaning of "fabricate" expanded to include creating or inventing, particularly in the context of language or fiction. Today, "fabricate" typically means to create a false or misleading statement, fact, or narrative. Despite its origins in craftsmanship, the modern usage of "fabricate" often carries a negative connotation, implying deceit or dishonesty.


to invent false information in order to trick people

để phát minh ra thông tin sai lệch để lừa mọi người

  • The evidence was totally fabricated.

    Bằng chứng hoàn toàn bịa đặt.

  • The prisoner claimed the police had fabricated his confession.

    Người tù cho rằng cảnh sát đã bịa đặt lời thú tội của anh ta.

Related words and phrases

to make or produce goods, equipment, etc. from various different materials

chế tạo hoặc sản xuất hàng hóa, thiết bị, v.v. từ nhiều loại vật liệu khác nhau

  • These specialized chips will be fabricated by Mykrokorp Inc.

    Những con chip chuyên dụng này sẽ được chế tạo bởi Mykrokorp Inc.

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