Definition of exorcism


trừ tà


The word "exorcism" derives from the Greek word 'exorkizin,' which means "to consecrate" or "empower" through a sacred rite. It is rooted in the ancient Greek and Roman religious traditions, where the term was used to refer to the ceremonial invocation and entreaty of gods or spirits for protection or benevolent intervention. In religious contexts, the term "exorcism" specifically refers to a religious or spiritual ritual performed to remove demonic or evil spirits from a person believed to be possessed. This practice is most closely associated with Christianity, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, where it is recognized as a sacrament and a canonical practice. However, the roots of the concept can also be found in other religious traditions, such as ancient Mesopotamian, Persian, and Egyptian religions, as well as in various indigenous and folk beliefs worldwide.


the act of getting rid of an evil spirit from a place or a person’s body by prayers or magic; a ceremony where this is done

hành động xua đuổi tà ma khỏi một địa điểm hoặc cơ thể của một người bằng lời cầu nguyện hoặc phép thuật; một nghi lễ thực hiện điều này

  • A priest performed an exorcism and afterwards the ghost disappeared.

    Một linh mục đã thực hiện lễ trừ tà và sau đó con ma biến mất.

the act of making yourself forget a bad experience or memory

hành động khiến bản thân quên đi một trải nghiệm hoặc ký ức tồi tệ