Definition of convulsion


co giật


The word "convulsion" derives from the Latin word "convulsio," which means "a shaking or violent movement." In ancient medicine, the term was used to describe various sudden and uncontrollable states, including fits, spasms, and seizures. In a medical context, a convulsion refers to a sudden, involuntary, and violent movement or series of movements caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. These movements can be shaking, jerking, or rigid, and may affect any part of the body. Convulsions are typically associated with neurological disorders such as epilepsy, brain injury, or infection. The historical use of the word "convulsion" often had religious or supernatural connotations. In ancient times, people believed that certain diseases, including epilepsy, were caused by demonic possession or divine punishment. As a result, convulsions were often mistaken for miraculous or supernatural events. The modern medical understanding of convulsion has a much more rational and empirical basis. However, some people still associate seizures, the most common form of convulsion, with divine or mystical experiences. In popular culture, for example, the term "electrical storm" is commonly used to describe seizures, suggesting a supernatural or paranormal origin for the condition. In summary, the word "convulsion" originated from the Latin word for a violent movement, and refers to a sudden, involuntary, and intense motor episode caused by neurological or medical conditions. The historical and cultural uses of the term have evolved over time, reflecting changing attitudes towards epilepsy and other neurological disorders.


a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled

một chuyển động run rẩy đột ngột của cơ thể không thể kiểm soát được

  • The child went into convulsions.

    Đứa trẻ bị co giật.

  • He fell to the ground in convulsions.

    Anh ta ngã xuống đất trong cơn co giật.

Extra examples:
  • The patient lost consciousness and went into convulsions.

    Bệnh nhân bất tỉnh và lên cơn co giật.

  • He felt a sudden convulsion of fear at the pit of his stomach.

    Anh chợt cảm thấy một cơn co giật sợ hãi nơi tận đáy lòng.

  • She started to have convulsions again.

    Cô lại bắt đầu lên cơn co giật.

  • The drug can cause paranoia, memory loss and convulsions.

    Loại thuốc này có thể gây hoang tưởng, mất trí nhớ và co giật.

Related words and phrases

a sudden important change that happens to a country or an organization

một sự thay đổi quan trọng đột ngột xảy ra với một quốc gia hoặc một tổ chức

  • political convulsions threatening the stability of new democracies

    những biến động chính trị đe dọa sự ổn định của các nền dân chủ mới

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