Definition of enunciate


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The word "enunciate" is derived from the Latin words "ex" (meaning "out of") and "nuntiare" (meaning "to proclaim" or "to announce"). It was first used in the English language in the 16th century to describe the process of speaking or pronouncing words clearly and distinctly. In its most basic sense, "enunciate" means to speak or pronounce words in a clear and distinct manner, making each word and sound easy to understand. It can also be used to describe the process of making a clear and concise statement or declaration, especially in a formal or official setting. In grammar and linguistics, the term "enunciate" is used to describe the process of speaking or pronouncing words with proper grammar and syntax, in order to communicate meaning effectively. It is often used in language learning and instruction to describe the process of teaching students how to speak and pronounce words clearly and correctly. In modern English, the word "enunciate" is less commonly used in everyday language, but it is still used in a variety of contexts, from public speaking and debates to legal and official documents and declarations, to describe the process of speaking or communicating in a clear and distinct manner.


to say or pronounce words clearly

để nói hoặc phát âm các từ rõ ràng

  • She enunciated each word slowly and carefully.

    Cô phát âm từng chữ một cách chậm rãi và cẩn thận.

to express an idea clearly and exactly

để thể hiện một ý tưởng rõ ràng và chính xác

  • He enunciated his vision of the future.

    Anh ấy đã đưa ra tầm nhìn của mình về tương lai.