Definition of diction


Từ điển


The word "diction" has a rich history. It originated from the Latin word "dictio," which means "a speaking" or "a saying." This Latin term is a combination of "dix," the past tense of "dicere," meaning "to say," and the suffix "-io," which forms a noun indicating the action or process of the verb. In English, the word "diction" has been used since the 15th century to refer to the art of using language effectively in speech or writing. It can also describe the quality of one's language usage, including tone, style, and vocabulary. In addition, "diction" can refer to the specific words and phrases used by a particular person or group to convey their ideas, opinions, or identity. Overall, the concept of "diction" emphasizes the importance of language as a means of communication, expression, and self-presentation.


the way that somebody pronounces words

cách ai đó phát âm các từ

  • clear diction

    diễn đạt rõ ràng

the choice and use of words in literature

sự lựa chọn và sử dụng từ ngữ trong văn học

  • Wordsworth rejected poetic diction in favour of ordinary language.

    Wordsworth từ chối cách diễn đạt thơ để ủng hộ ngôn ngữ thông thường.