Definition of doldrums


sự buồn tẻ


The word "doldrums" originates from the nautical term "doldrum," which refers to a region of the ocean near the equator where the winds are usually calm and variable, making it difficult for sailing ships to make progress. The term is believed to have been coined in the 17th century, when European exploration of the Pacific region was still in its early stages. The word "doldrum" is derived from the Latin "dolor," meaning "pain" or "anguish." Sailors of the time often described the calm, windless conditions in the equatorial region as a kind of navigational anguish, where they were unable to make headway or take advantage of the traditional easterly trade winds. Over time, the term "doldrums" came to be used figuratively to describe any period of stagnation, depression, or lack of progress in any field or endeavor.


the state of feeling sad or depressed

trạng thái cảm thấy buồn hoặc chán nản

  • He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.

    Anh ấy đã sống trong tâm trạng buồn chán kể từ khi cô ấy rời xa anh.

a lack of activity or improvement

thiếu hoạt động hoặc cải thiện

  • The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.

    Thị trường trái phiếu thường phục hồi sau thời kỳ ảm đạm vào mùa hè.

  • Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums.

    Bất chấp những biện pháp này, nền kinh tế vẫn trong tình trạng trì trệ.