Definition of diva


danh ca


The word "diva" originated in the late 18th century from the Latin word "divus," meaning "god" or "goddess." In Italian, "diva" is used to describe a female opera singer who is considered to be exceptional and even godlike in her talent and artistry. Over time, the term "diva" evolved to encompass not only opera singers but also actresses, performers, and entertainers in general who are known for their charismatic stage presence and commanding personalities. In popular culture, the term "diva" has taken on a more playful and tongue-in-cheek connotation, often used to describe someone who is flamboyant, demanding, and attention-seeking. Despite this, the original connotation of "diva" remains one of reverence and admiration for a performer who is truly exceptional in their craft.


a famous woman singer, especially an opera singer

một nữ ca sĩ nổi tiếng, đặc biệt là một ca sĩ opera

  • the great diva Maria Callas

    diva vĩ đại Maria Callas

  • pop divas like Beyoncé

    những diva nhạc pop như Beyoncé

a person who is difficult to please and demands a lot of attention

một người khó làm hài lòng và đòi hỏi nhiều sự chú ý

  • He was a real diva as a conductor, but not as a friend.

    Anh ấy là một diva thực sự với tư cách là người chỉ huy dàn nhạc, nhưng không phải với tư cách là một người bạn.

  • She yells, she's over the top. She's a diva!

    Cô ấy hét lên, cô ấy quá lố. Cô ấy là một diva!