Definition of legendary


huyền thoại


The word "legendary" originates from the Late Latin word "legenda," meaning "readings." In the early Christian church, these readings were considered sacred stories or narratives about holy figures or miraculous events, which were passed down through oral traditions and eventually became part of religious texts. As these stories began to be widely disseminated, they were referred to as "legends," meaning tales that were handed down through generations and believed to be true. These legends often contained inspirational or dramatic themes and were used to teach moral values and provide examples of heroic or saintly behavior. Over time, the meaning of the word "legendary" has expanded beyond religious contexts and now refers to anything that is exceptional, remarkable, or worthy of legend. It can be applied to individuals, places, or events that have achieved legendary status due to their exceptional qualities, accomplishments, or fame. The definition of "legendary" has also evolved to include its contemporary meaning, which refers to something that is generally regarded as an exaggerated or fanciful story, without necessarily implying that it is false or entirely imagined. In this sense, "legendary" can be used to describe popular myths, fictitious tales, or interpretations that have become deeply embedded in popular culture or folklore. In summary, the word "legendary" can be traced back to the religious context of "legenda" and has evolved to encompass various meanings associated with extraordinary or famous events, figures, or stories that inspire awe, reverence, or admiration.


very famous and talked about a lot by people

rất nổi tiếng và được mọi người nhắc đến nhiều

  • a legendary figure

    một nhân vật huyền thoại

  • the legendary Bob Dylan

    huyền thoại Bob Dylan

  • Her patience and tact are legendary.

    Sự kiên nhẫn và khéo léo của cô ấy là huyền thoại.

  • His dedication and charity had made him a legendary figure.

    Sự cống hiến và lòng bác ái của ông đã khiến ông trở thành một nhân vật huyền thoại.

  • We once received a visit from the legendary Orson Welles.

    Có lần chúng tôi được huyền thoại Orson Welles đến thăm.

mentioned in stories from ancient times

được nhắc đến trong những câu chuyện từ xa xưa

  • legendary heroes

    anh hùng huyền thoại

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