Definition of distinguishable


có thể phân biệt được


The word "distinguishable" traces its roots back to the Latin word "distinguere," meaning "to distinguish." This Latin verb is formed from the prefix "dis-," meaning "apart," and "stingere," meaning "to prick or mark." The earliest recorded use of "distinguishable" in English dates back to the 16th century. It was likely adopted directly from Latin, reflecting the growing influence of classical languages on English during this period. The word emphasizes the ability to perceive differences or unique qualities, making it clear that something can be easily identified or separated from others.


that can be recognized as different from somebody/something else

có thể được công nhận là khác với ai/cái gì khác

  • The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.

    Chim đực rất dễ phân biệt với chim cái.

that can be seen or heard

có thể được nhìn thấy hoặc nghe thấy

  • The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.

    Bờ biển hầu như không thể phân biệt được trong sương mù.