Definition of dereliction


vô chủ


The word "dereliction" originates from the Latin words "de" meaning "from" or "away from" and "religatio" meaning "maintenance" or "performance of duty". In its earliest sense, "dereliction" referred to the act of abandoning or neglecting a duty or responsibility. In Middle English, the word "dereliction" emerged in the 14th century, retaining its original meaning. Over time, the word's connotation expanded to include not only the neglect of duties but also the abandonment of property or assets. Today, "dereliction" typically refers to the state of being abandoned or neglected, often used in contexts such as architecture (e.g., derelict buildings), law (e.g., dereliction of duty), or philosophy (e.g., dereliction of moral responsibility). The word continues to evoke a sense of abandonment, neglect, and responsibility.


the state of land or buildings not being used or cared for and in bad condition

tình trạng đất đai hoặc các tòa nhà không được sử dụng hoặc chăm sóc và trong tình trạng tồi tệ

  • industrial/urban dereliction

    sự bỏ hoang công nghiệp/đô thị

  • a house in a state of dereliction

    một ngôi nhà trong tình trạng bỏ hoang

the fact of deliberately not doing what you ought to do, especially when it is part of your job

thực tế là cố tình không làm những gì bạn phải làm, đặc biệt khi đó là một phần công việc của bạn

  • The police officers were found guilty of serious dereliction of duty.

    Các sĩ quan cảnh sát bị kết tội lơ là nhiệm vụ nghiêm trọng.