Definition of deportment


trục xuất


In the 18th century, the term gained prominence in polite society, particularly among the upper classes, as a way to describe refined and dignified behavior. Today, "deportment" is still used to describe how someone carries themselves, with connotations of elegance, poise, and sophistication. Whether in a formal or informal setting, good deportment can greatly impact how others perceive us, making it an essential aspect of self-presentation and social etiquette.


the way in which a person stands and moves

cách một người đứng và di chuyển

  • lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette

    bài học cho các cô gái trẻ về cách cư xử và nghi thức

  • He has good deportment.

    Anh ấy có cách cư xử tốt.

  • deportment classes

    lớp học cách cư xử

the way in which a person behaves

cách một người cư xử