Definition of dehydrate


mất nước


The word "dehydrate" comes from the Greek words "de" meaning "removal" or "taking away" and "hydor" meaning "water". In medical and scientific contexts, dehydrate typically refers to the removal of water from a substance, often by evaporation or desiccation. The term was first used in the 14th century to describe the process of drying out or withering, often through exposure to air or heat. In modern times, the term has taken on a broader meaning, encompassing not only the removal of water from a substance, but also the loss of water in living organisms due to factors such as heat, illness, or neglect. In this sense, dehydrate often refers to the state of being severely water-deprived, which can have serious consequences for human health and well-being.


to remove the water from something, especially food, in order to preserve it

loại bỏ nước khỏi một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là thực phẩm, để bảo quản nó

to lose too much water from your body; to make a person’s body lose too much water

cơ thể mất quá nhiều nước; làm cho cơ thể của một người mất quá nhiều nước

  • Runners can dehydrate very quickly in this heat.

    Người chạy bộ có thể bị mất nước rất nhanh trong cái nóng này.

  • the dehydrating effects of alcohol

    tác dụng khử nước của rượu