Definition of deflate


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The word "deflate" has its roots in the late 17th century. It comes from the Latin "deflatus," which means "blown away" or "emptied out." This Latin term is a combination of "de-" meaning "away" or "from," and "flatus" meaning "blowing" or "expiration." Initially, the word "deflate" was used in the context of medicine to describe the act of removing air or other substances from the body, such as in the treatment of wounds or diseases. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include the act of reducing the size or pressure of something, such as a balloon or an inflated idea.


to let air or gas out of a tyre, balloon, etc.; to become smaller because of air or gas coming out

để không khí hoặc ga thoát ra khỏi lốp xe, bóng bay, v.v.; trở nên nhỏ hơn vì không khí hoặc khí thoát ra

to make somebody feel less confident; to make somebody/something feel or seem less important

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy kém tự tin hơn; làm cho ai/cái gì cảm thấy hoặc có vẻ kém quan trọng hơn

  • All the criticism had left her feeling totally deflated.

    Tất cả những lời chỉ trích đã khiến cô cảm thấy hoàn toàn hụt hơi.

to reduce the amount of money being used in a country so that prices fall or stay steady

để giảm số lượng tiền được sử dụng trong một quốc gia để giá giảm hoặc ở mức ổn định