Definition of crimp




The word "crimp" has a fascinating history! The term originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "escripmer," which means "to bend or twist." Initially, the word referred to the action of bending or twisting something, like a piece of metal or wire. Over time, the meaning of "crimp" expanded to include the idea of creating a groove or indentation, like when you crimp the edge of a paper clip or a wire. In the 17th century, the term took on a new meaning in the context of hairstyling, where "crimp" referred to a styling technique that involved twisting and plaiting hair. Today, "crimp" is used in various contexts, including hair styling, electrical work (to connect or join wires), and even in baking (to crimp the edges of a pie crust). The word has evolved significantly over the centuries, but its core idea of bending, twisting, or shaping remains the same!


to make curls in somebody’s hair by pressing it with a heated tool

tạo lọn tóc cho ai đó bằng cách ấn nó bằng một dụng cụ đã được làm nóng

  • crimped blonde hair

    mái tóc vàng uốn xoăn

to press cloth, paper, etc. into small folds

để ép vải, giấy, v.v. thành những nếp gấp nhỏ

  • She crimped the edge of the pie.

    Cô ấy gấp mép chiếc bánh lại.

to limit the growth or development of something

để hạn chế sự tăng trưởng hoặc phát triển của một cái gì đó

  • Shrinking state revenues have crimped security budgets.

    Nguồn thu nhà nước bị thu hẹp đã làm giảm ngân sách an ninh.


bang goes something
(British English, informal)used when you say that something you hoped to have or achieve is no longer possible
  • Bang went my hopes of promotion.
  • bang to rights
    (informal)with definite proof that you have committed a crime, so that you cannot claim to be innocent
  • We've got you bang to rights handling stolen property.
  • go bang
    (informal)to explode or burst (= break apart) with a loud noise; to make a sudden loud noise
  • A balloon suddenly went bang.