Definition of spasmodic


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The word "spasmodic" is derived from the Greek word "spasmos," which means a sudden, involuntary contraction or spasm. In the late 18th century, this term was adopted by British physicians to describe a medical condition characterized by sudden, involuntary muscle contractions. The condition known as spasmodic now is more commonly referred to as spasms or muscle spasms, but the term "spasmodic" is still used to describe certain medical conditions, such as spasmodic dysphonia, a voice disorder caused by spasms in the muscles of the larynx (voice box). In addition to this medical context, "spasmodic" also has a broader meaning in popular culture, referring to sudden or uncontrollable actions or movements. This sense is often used to describe behaviors such as spasmodic laughter or spasmodic movements in music or dance. Whether used in a medical or popular context, the term "spasmodic" highlights the sudden and involuntary nature of certain actions or movements.


happening suddenly for short periods of time; not regular or continuous

xảy ra đột ngột trong thời gian ngắn; không thường xuyên hoặc liên tục

  • a spasmodic interest in politics

    sự quan tâm không thường xuyên đến chính trị

  • There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.

    Hôm qua đã xảy ra giao tranh lẻ tẻ ở khu vực này.

  • The training given was spasmodic and followed no organized pattern.

    Việc đào tạo được đưa ra không thường xuyên và không theo khuôn mẫu có tổ chức.

caused by your muscles becoming tight in a way that you cannot control

do cơ bắp của bạn trở nên căng cứng đến mức bạn không thể kiểm soát

  • spasmodic movements

    chuyển động co thắt