Definition of confusedly


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The word "confusedly" is derived from the Old French word "confusele," which in turn originated from the Latin word "confusus," meaning "mixed up" or "puzzled." In Old French, the word "confusele" was used to describe something that was disorderly or randomly mixed together, such as a confused army or a jumbled collection of objects. The word ultimately made its way into Middle English as "confuseliche" or "confusely," and eventually into Modern English as "confusedly" around the 16th century. In its current use as an adverb, "confusedly" implies a state of confusion or uncertainty, describing someone or something that is difficult to understand or that is mixed up or disordered in some way. Its root in Latin and Old French underscores the idea that confusion has its origins in a mixture of elements that are difficult to separate or untangle.


in a way that shows that you are unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what somebody is saying

theo cách cho thấy bạn không có khả năng suy nghĩ rõ ràng hoặc hiểu được điều gì đang xảy ra hoặc điều gì đó đang nói

  • ‘What? I'm lost,’ Eric said confusedly.

    "Cái gì? Tôi bị lạc đường", Eric bối rối nói.

in a way that is not clear or easy to understand

theo cách không rõ ràng hoặc dễ hiểu

  • The film ends confusedly.

    Bộ phim kết thúc một cách khó hiểu.