Definition of confection


bánh kẹo


The word "confection" is derived from the Latin word "conficere," which means "to bring together" or "to prepare." In medieval times, those who prepared sweet treats for consumption, mainly in monasteries, were known as conficciones, which is where the original French word "confiser" originated. As the tradition of preparing and selling sweets spread beyond monasteries, the term "confiserie" or "confectionery" came into use. Over time, the French term "confiserie" was anglicized to "confection," which referred to the journey of preparing and shaping edible substances, such as sugars, fats, and fruits, into a variety of sweet delights. Today, the term "confection" refers to a wide range of sweet treats, from chocolates and candies to cakes and pastries, that are made using various techniques and ingredients. In short, the word "confection" continues to carry the same meaning of preparing and presenting sweetened delicacies as it did in the original Latin root word.


a cake or other sweet food that looks very attractive

một chiếc bánh hoặc đồ ăn ngọt khác trông rất hấp dẫn

a thing such as a building or piece of clothing, that is made in a way that is complicated or shows skill

một thứ như một tòa nhà hoặc một bộ quần áo, được làm theo cách phức tạp hoặc thể hiện kỹ năng

  • Her hat was an elaborate confection of satin and net.

    Mũ của cô ấy là sự kết hợp cầu kỳ giữa sa-tanh và lưới.