Definition of condescend


hạ mình


The word "condescend" has its origins in the Middle French language where it was originally "condescendre" which means to "step down from a noble rank." It entered the English language during the 16th century and has since evolved in meaning. In its original usage, the word was often used in a political or social context to describe a noble or aristocratic figure lowering themselves to interact with commoners or subordinates. The term "condescension" was also used to depict such actions as a mark of kindness, generosity, and compassion. However, over time, the meaning of "condescend" shifted to encompass a more negative connotation. It came to signify a feeling of superiority and a display of pretended forgiveness or kindness. In contemporary usage, the term is often associated with paternalistic behavior by people in positions of power or authority towards others perceived as inferior or less knowledgeable. In summary, "condescend" originated from the Middle French "condescendre," which meant a voluntary descent from a higher social or noble rank to interact or treat commoners and subordinates with kindness and compassion, but its meaning evolved due to changing social and political circumstances.


to do something that you think it is below your social or professional position to do

làm điều gì đó mà bạn nghĩ rằng nó thấp hơn vị trí xã hội hoặc nghề nghiệp của bạn để làm

  • We had to wait almost an hour before he condescended to see us.

    Chúng tôi phải đợi gần một tiếng đồng hồ trước khi anh ấy xuống mặt để gặp chúng tôi.

Related words and phrases

to behave towards somebody as though you are more important and more intelligent than they are

cư xử với ai đó như thể bạn quan trọng hơn và thông minh hơn họ

  • When giving a talk, be careful not to condescend to your audience.

    Khi thuyết trình, hãy cẩn thận để không hạ thấp khán giả của bạn.