Definition of compensatory


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The word "compensatory" has its roots in Latin. It comes from the word "compensare," which means "to make up for" or "to balance." This Latin word is a combination of "com-" (together) and "pen-" (pay) with the suffix "-sare" (to make). In English, the word "compensatory" was first used in the 15th century to describe something that makes up for or offsets a loss or defect. Over time, the meaning of the word has expanded to include things that compensate for a lack or imbalance, such as a compensatory payment or a compensatory behavior. Today, the word "compensatory" is commonly used in fields such as education, employment, and healthcare to describe programs or practices that aim to make up for past injustices or inequalities.


intended to make up for something such as damage, loss, injury, etc.

nhằm mục đích bù đắp cho những thiệt hại như hư hỏng, mất mát, thương tích, v.v.

  • He received a compensatory payment of $20 000.

    Anh ta đã nhận được khoản tiền bồi thường là 20 000 đô la.

balancing or reducing the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.

cân bằng hoặc giảm thiểu những tác động xấu của thiệt hại, mất mát, v.v.

  • A change in one part of the system is followed by compensatory change in other parts of the system.

    Sự thay đổi ở một phần của hệ thống sẽ dẫn đến sự thay đổi bù trừ ở các phần khác của hệ thống.