Definition of remedial


khắc phục


The word "remedial" originated in the late 1800s, in the field of medicine, as a term to refer to treatments or medicines that could remedy or cure a disease or illness. The word came from the Latin word "remediare," which meant "to heal" or "make well." In education, the term "remedial" was first used in the 1920s to describe additional instruction or support for students who were behind or struggling to understand a particular concept or skill. It was seen as a supplemental or remedial measure to help these students "catch up" with their peers and achieve academic success. The original intention behind the term "remedial" was positive, as it suggested that there was a solution or remedy available to address students' learning needs. However, over time, the term became associated with negative connotations, such as "weakness" or "deficiency," which stigmatized these students and their academic performance. As a result, educators and scholars in the field of education have actively sought to replace "remedial" with more positive and empowering terms, such as "supportive" or "interventionist," that focus on addressing students' needs in a way that emphasizes their strengths and learning potential, rather than their weaknesses.


aimed at solving a problem, especially when this involves correcting or improving something that has been done wrong

nhằm giải quyết một vấn đề, đặc biệt khi điều này liên quan đến việc sửa chữa hoặc cải thiện điều gì đó đã làm sai

  • remedial treatment (= for a medical problem)

    điều trị khắc phục (= đối với một vấn đề y tế)

  • Remedial action must be taken now.

    Hành động khắc phục phải được thực hiện ngay bây giờ.

  • The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.

    Tòa nhà cần được khắc phục khẩn cấp để đảm bảo an toàn.

connected with school students who are slower at learning than others

kết nối với những học sinh học chậm hơn những học sinh khác

  • remedial education

    giáo dục khắc phục

  • a remedial class

    một lớp sửa chữa

  • She teaches remedial English.

    Cô ấy dạy bổ túc tiếng Anh.