Definition of commode


tủ đựng đồ


The word "commode" has a fascinating history. It originated from the Old French word "commode," meaning "created with a view to facilitating manual functions." The term referred to a chair or seat designed for personal hygiene, specifically for relieving oneself. In the 17th century, the French aristocracy used the word "commode" to describe ornate chairs with hinged lids that could be raised and lowered to ease access to the contents. These early commodes were often decorated with intricate carvings, gilding, and other forms of ornamental art. Over time, the term "commode" evolved to describe not only the chair itself but also the contents within – toilet paper, wipes, or other personal hygiene items. Today, when we use the word "commode," we typically refer to a toilet or a bathroom fixture designed for personal hygiene.


a piece of furniture that looks like a chair but has a toilet under the seat

một món đồ nội thất trông giống như một chiếc ghế nhưng có bồn cầu bên dưới ghế

a piece of furniture, especially an old or antique one, with drawers used for storing things in

một món đồ nội thất, đặc biệt là đồ cũ hoặc đồ cổ, có ngăn kéo dùng để cất đồ đạc