Definition of collate


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The word "collate" has its roots in Latin. It comes from the verb "colligare," which means "to gather or bind together." This Latin term is a combination of "con" (meaning "together") and "ligare" (meaning "to bind"). In the 14th century, the Latin "colligare" was borrowed into Middle English as "collaten," which initially meant "to gather or collect together." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include the sense of "to arrange or assemble in a particular order," such as collating documents or collating information. Today, the word "collate" is used in various contexts, including document preparation, data analysis, and scholarly research, to describe the process of gathering and organizing related materials.


to collect information together from different sources in order to examine and compare it

để thu thập thông tin với nhau từ các nguồn khác nhau để kiểm tra và so sánh nó

  • to collate data/information/figures

    để đối chiếu dữ liệu/thông tin/số liệu

to collect pieces of paper or the pages of a book, etc. and arrange them in the correct order

để thu thập các mảnh giấy hoặc các trang của một cuốn sách, vv và sắp xếp chúng theo đúng thứ tự