Definition of capacitance


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The word "capacitance" originated from the Latin words "capere" meaning "to take" and "capacitus" meaning "capacity". In the 18th century, the German mathematician and physicist Georg Simon Ohm introduced the concept of capacitance as a way to describe the ability of a conductor to store electric charge. Ohm used the term "Capacität" in his book "Die galvanische Kette" (The Galvanic Chain) in 1827. Later, the term was translated into English as "capacitance". In essence, capacitance refers to a device or component's ability to hold a charge or store energy, allowing it to release it quickly when needed. Today, capacitance is an essential concept in electronics, electrical engineering, and countless applications that rely on storing and releasing electric energy.


the ability of a system to store an electrical charge

khả năng của một hệ thống để lưu trữ điện tích

a comparison between change in electrical charge and change in electrical potential

sự so sánh giữa sự thay đổi điện tích và sự thay đổi điện thế