Definition of bulky


cồng kềnh


"Bulky" traces its roots back to the Old English word "bulca," meaning "lump" or "hump." This term, in turn, likely originated from a Proto-Germanic word "bulka," also meaning "lump" or "bulge." Over time, "bulca" evolved into "bulk" in Middle English, referring to something large and massive. "Bulky" then emerged in the 16th century, describing something characterized by its large size and weight, much like a lump or bulge.


large and difficult to move or carry

lớn và khó di chuyển hoặc mang theo

  • Bulky items will be collected separately.

    Các mặt hàng cồng kềnh sẽ được thu gom riêng.

  • The key felt bulky in his pocket.

    Chiếc chìa khóa có vẻ cồng kềnh trong túi anh.

  • She laid two bulky files on the table.

    Cô đặt hai tập tài liệu cồng kềnh lên bàn.

tall and heavy

cao và nặng

  • The bulky figure of Inspector Jones appeared at the door.

    Bóng dáng to lớn của thanh tra Jones xuất hiện ở cửa.