Definition of cumbersome


cồng kềnh


The word "cumbersome" has a fascinating history. It originated in the mid-17th century from the Latin phrase "cum" (with) and "huminare" (to bear or carry). In its earliest sense, "cumbersome" referred to something that was troublesome or disagreeable to carry or bear with, often because of its size, weight, or complexity. Over time, the meaning expanded to include anything that was impractical, tedious, or bothersome to deal with. Today, the word is often used to describe tasks, ideas, or situations that are awkward, cumbersome, or overly complicated. Despite its origins in physical burden, "cumbersome" has become a versatile term to describe a range of frustrating experiences.


large and heavy; difficult to carry

lớn và nặng; khó mang theo

  • cumbersome machinery

    máy móc cồng kềnh

Related words and phrases

slow and complicated

chậm và phức tạp

  • cumbersome legal procedures

    thủ tục pháp lý rườm rà

long or complicated

dài hoặc phức tạp

  • The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.

    Tổ chức đã thay đổi tiêu đề rườm rà của mình thành một cái gì đó dễ nhớ hơn.