Definition of hefty




The word "hefty" originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. It originally referred to a certain type of stone commonly used in building known as "heaving stone." This stone was large and heavy, making it ideal for weighty construction projects. As the use of the word "heaving stone" declined, the term "hefty" began to take on a broader meaning. It first appeared in print in the mid-1800s, describing anything substantial or weighty in its own right, such as a hefty book or a hefty meal. The use of "hefty" to describe people evolved shortly thereafter. In the late 1800s, "hefty" began to be used as a slang term to describe overweight individuals, conforming to its original meaning of associating weight with substance or strength. The evolution of the word from its original stone-related meaning to a descriptive term for people reflects how words can change and adapt over time, as they reflect the shifting cultural perspectives and attitudes of society.


big and heavy

to và nặng

  • Her brothers were both hefty men in their forties.

    Các anh trai của cô đều là những người đàn ông to lớn ở độ tuổi bốn mươi.

large; larger than usual or expected

lớn; lớn hơn bình thường hoặc dự kiến

  • They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.

    Họ bán nó một cách dễ dàng và thu được lợi nhuận khổng lồ.

  • Interest rates have gone up to a hefty 12%.

    Lãi suất đã tăng lên tới 12%.

  • She will have to pay a pretty hefty fine if she is caught.

    Cô ấy sẽ phải trả một khoản tiền phạt khá lớn nếu bị bắt.

using a lot of force

sử dụng rất nhiều lực lượng

  • He gave the door a hefty kick.

    Anh đá mạnh vào cửa.

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