Definition of brittleness


độ giòn


The word "brittleness" originates from the Old English words "brytt" meaning "brittle" and "-ness" a suffix forming a noun indicating a quality or state. The term initially referred to the tendency of a material to break or shatter easily, often in a sudden and unexpected manner. In the 15th century, the word began to be used figuratively to describe a person's emotional fragility or lack of resilience. For example, someone who is prone to outbursts of anger or tears might be said to exhibit brittleness. Over time, the term has been applied to various contexts beyond materials science and psychology, including fields such as meteorology (to describe the sudden breakage of a storm front) and philosophy (to describe the fragile nature of human existence). Throughout its evolution, the core meaning of "brittleness" has remained constant, conveying a sense of fragility and loss of strength.


the fact of being hard but easily broken

sự thật là cứng nhưng dễ gãy

  • the hardness and brittleness of coal

    độ cứng và độ giòn của than

the fact of appearing to be strong but actually being easily damaged

bề ngoài tỏ ra mạnh mẽ nhưng thực chất lại dễ bị tổn thương

  • the growing brittleness of the country's economy

    sự mong manh ngày càng tăng của nền kinh tế đất nước

the fact of appearing to be happy or confident but actually being nervous and easily upset

thực tế là có vẻ vui vẻ hoặc tự tin nhưng thực ra lại lo lắng và dễ buồn bực

  • There was some brittleness in his tone.

    Giọng nói của anh có chút gì đó giòn tan.