Definition of bong




The word "bong" has a fascinating history. The term originated in the early 19th century in the Philippines, where Spanish colonizers came across a type of gong called "bumbong" or "bombo." The gong was used to call people to prayer or for ceremonial purposes. As American and European travelers and traders visited the Philippines, they adopted the term "bong" to refer to the instrument. Over time, the term "bong" evolved to encompass other percussion instruments, including drums and bongos. In the mid-20th century, the term gained popularity in the United States as rappers and hip-hop artists began using the term to describe a type of drum played with the hands. Today, the term "bong" is commonly associated with hip-hop and rap music, but its roots can be traced back to the Philippines and the traditional bumbong gong.


the sound made by a large bell

âm thanh phát ra từ một chiếc chuông lớn

  • the bongs of Big Ben

    tiếng bongs của Big Ben

a long pipe for smoking cannabis and other drugs, which passes the smoke through a container of water

một chiếc tẩu dài để hút cần sa và các loại thuốc khác, dẫn khói qua một bình chứa nước