Definition of cannabis


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The word "cannabis" originates from the Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides (40-90 AD), who described the plant in his book "De Materia Medica". He used the term "Kannabis" (Κάναβلیس) to refer to the hemp plant, which was widely cultivated in ancient Greece. The Greeks and Romans used cannabis for medicinal, industrial, and recreational purposes. The Latin language later adapted the Greek term to "Cannabis", which was introduced to Middle English from Old French as "canobis". By the 15th century, the term "cannabis" was officially recognized in English language. Over time, the word "cannabis" has evolved to encompass various species of the plant, including the psychoactive compound THC, which is now widely recognized as a therapeutic agent and a recreational substance. Today, "cannabis" is used globally to refer to the plant, its products, and the movement advocating for its legalization.


a tall plant used to produce hemp fibre for making rope or cloth, or as a drug

một loại cây cao dùng để sản xuất sợi gai dầu để làm dây thừng hoặc vải, hoặc làm thuốc

a drug made from the dried leaves and flowers or resin of the cannabis plant, which is smoked or eaten and which gives the user a feeling of being relaxed. Use of the drug is illegal in many countries.

một loại ma túy làm từ lá và hoa khô hoặc nhựa của cây cần sa, được hút hoặc ăn và mang lại cho người dùng cảm giác thư giãn. Việc sử dụng ma túy là bất hợp pháp ở nhiều quốc gia.

  • Traces of cannabis were found in the pilot’s blood.

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