Definition of bloodsucking


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The phrase "bloodsucking" has its roots in the Middle English period. The word "blood" has been used to refer to vampires or other creatures that suck blood since the 13th century. The adjective "sucking" was added to the phrase in the 14th century, likely due to the influence of the Proto-Germanic word "sukjan", meaning "to suck". The phrase "bloodsucking" initially referred to vampires, but over time it became a metaphor for people or things that exploit or manipulate others for their own gain. In the 17th century, it was used to describe extortioners, thieves, and other individuals who took advantage of others. Today, the phrase is often used to describe parasites, such as ticks or mosquitoes that feed on blood, as well as figurative "bloodsuckers" like politicians or bosses who exploit their power or authority.


that bites people or animals and drinks their blood

cắn người hoặc động vật và uống máu của họ

taking advantage of other people in order to gain financial benefit

lợi dụng người khác để đạt được lợi ích tài chính

  • bloodsucking lawyers

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