Definition of bitingly


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The word "bitingly" has a fascinating etymology! It originated from the Old English word "bītan", which means "to bite". This word is believed to be derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*bitiz", which is also the source of the Modern English word "bite". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "bīten" (sg.) or "bītan" (pl.) referred to the act of biting, as well as a biting or sharp quality. Over time, the word evolved into "biting" (adjective), meaning "sharp" or "keen", and eventually "bitingly" (adverb), meaning with a sharp or keen quality. Today, "bitingly" is often used to describe something that is sharply critical, bitterly cold, or unsatisfying. Examples include "Her words were bitingly sarcastic" or "The winter air was bitingly cold".


in a very cold and unpleasant way

theo một cách rất lạnh lùng và khó chịu

  • a bitingly cold winter

    một mùa đông lạnh buốt

in a cruel and critical way

theo cách tàn nhẫn và chỉ trích

  • ‘You're lying,’ he said bitingly.

    "Em nói dối," anh ta nói một cách cay độc.

  • a bitingly funny show

    một màn trình diễn cực kì hài hước