Definition of berserk




The word "berserk" originated from the Old Norse word "berserkr," which referred to a type of medieval Viking warrior. These warriors were known for their fierce and uncontrollable fighting abilities, often entering a state of fury in battle. The term "berserk" was later adopted into Middle English and eventually into modern English, where it is now used to describe someone or something that is behaving in a wildly or violently out of control manner. Historically, the berserker warriors were believed to be driven into a trance-like state by drinking a special potion or wearing bear or wolf-fur cloaks, which gave them a sense of invincibility and superhuman strength. The term "berserk" has since taken on a broader meaning, describing anyone who is behaving in a wildly aggressive or irrational way.


very angry, often in a violent way or without control

rất tức giận, thường theo cách bạo lực hoặc không kiểm soát được

  • He went berserk when he found out where I'd been.

    Anh ấy phát điên lên khi phát hiện ra tôi đã ở đâu.

very excited

rất hào hứng

  • People were going berserk with excitement.

    Mọi người trở nên điên cuồng vì phấn khích.