Definition of bend


chỗ rẽ, chỗ uốn, khuỷu tay, cúi xuống, uốn cong


Definition of undefined

The word "bend" has a long and complex history. The modern English word "bend" comes from the Old English word "bendan," which meant "to twist" or "to turn." This Old English word is thought to have come from the Proto-Germanic word "*bendiz," which is also the source of the Modern German word "bendig," meaning "flexible" or "pliable." The Proto-Germanic word is believed to have come from the Proto-Indo-European root "* بندی-" (to bend or curve), which is also the source of the Latin word "flecto" (to bend) and the Greek word "φλέ Newsp" (phlēktos, meaning "bent" or "crooked"). The earliest recorded use of the word "bend" in English dates back to around 725 CE, although it was likely in use for some time before that.


to lean, or make something lean, in a particular direction

nghiêng, hoặc làm cho cái gì đó nghiêng, theo một hướng cụ thể

  • He bent and kissed her.

    Anh cúi xuống và hôn cô.

  • The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

    Bác sĩ bảo tôi tránh cúi và duỗi.

  • fields of poppies bending in the wind

    cánh đồng hoa anh túc uốn mình trong gió

  • She suddenly bent over, clutching her stomach.

    Cô đột nhiên cúi xuống ôm bụng.

  • His dark head bent over her.

    Cái đầu đen của anh cúi xuống cô.

  • She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.

    Cô cúi xuống nhặt tờ báo lên.

  • Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees.

    Từ từ uốn cong từ thắt lưng và đưa đầu xuống đầu gối.

  • Keep your feet apart, and bend at the waist

    Giữ hai chân cách xa nhau và uốn cong ở thắt lưng

  • He bent his head and kissed her.

    Anh cúi đầu và hôn cô.

  • She bent her head towards him.

    Cô cúi đầu về phía anh.

  • She was bent over her desk writing a letter.

    Cô đang cúi xuống bàn viết một lá thư.

Extra examples:
  • He came closer and bent towards her.

    Anh tiến lại gần và cúi người về phía cô.

  • I bent down and tied my shoelace.

    Tôi cúi xuống buộc dây giày.

  • I had to bend double to get under the table.

    Tôi phải cúi người xuống gầm bàn.

  • Sarah bent close to him.

    Sarah cúi xuống gần anh.

if you bend your arm, leg, etc. or if it bends, you move it so that it is no longer straight

nếu bạn uốn cong cánh tay, chân, v.v. hoặc nếu nó uốn cong, bạn di chuyển nó để nó không còn thẳng nữa

  • Bend your knees, keeping your back straight.

    Cong đầu gối, giữ thẳng lưng.

  • Lie flat and let your knees bend.

    Nằm thẳng và để đầu gối cong.

to force something that was straight into an angle or a curve

ép cái gì đó thẳng vào một góc hoặc một đường cong

  • Mark the pipe where you want to bend it.

    Đánh dấu đường ống nơi bạn muốn uốn cong.

  • The knives were bent out of shape.

    Những con dao bị uốn cong không còn hình dạng.

  • He bent the wire into the shape of a square.

    Anh ta uốn sợi dây thành hình vuông.

to change direction to form a curve or an angle; to make something change direction in this way

thay đổi hướng để tạo thành một đường cong hoặc một góc; làm cho cái gì đó thay đổi hướng theo cách này

  • The road bent sharply to the right.

    Con đường uốn cong mạnh về bên phải.

  • Glass and water both bend light.

    Thủy tinh và nước đều làm cong ánh sáng.


bend somebody’s ear (about something)
(informal)to talk to somebody a lot about something, especially about a problem that you have
bend your mind/efforts to something
(formal)to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing
  • She bent her mind to the problem of escape.
  • bend/lean over backwards (to do something)
    to make a great effort, especially in order to be helpful or fair
  • I've bent over backwards to help him.
  • bend/stretch the rules
    to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation
  • Couldn't they just bend the rules and let us in without a ticket?
  • bend the truth
    to say something that is not completely true
  • I wasn’t exactly lying when I said I hadn’t seen her—I was just bending the truth a little.
  • on bended knee(s)
    if you ask for something on bended knee(s), you ask for it in a very anxious and/or humble way (= showing you think you are less important than the person you are asking)
  • I’d go down on bended knee if I thought she’d change her mind.