Definition of baseline


đường cơ sở


The word "baseline" has its origins in the mid-16th century. It comes from the Old English words "bæsc" (rod or pole) and "līn" (line). Initially, a baseline referred to the lowest or initial line of a musical staff, marking the beginning of a piece of music. Over time, the term extended to other fields, such as sports, where a baseline became the fundamental or starting point for measurement or comparison. For instance, in tennis, the baseline is the line at the back of the court, marking the initial position of the server. In business, a baseline might represent a standard or reference point for tracking progress or performance. Throughout its evolution, the word "baseline" has maintained its connection to ideas of foundation, starting point, and reference.


a line marking each end of the court in tennis or the edge of the area where a player can run in baseball

một đường đánh dấu mỗi đầu sân trong môn quần vợt hoặc rìa khu vực mà người chơi có thể chạy trong môn bóng chày

a line or measurement that is used as a starting point when comparing facts

một đường thẳng hoặc phép đo được sử dụng làm điểm khởi đầu khi so sánh các sự kiện

  • The figures for 2014 were used as a baseline for the study.

    Các số liệu năm 2014 được sử dụng làm cơ sở cho nghiên cứu.