Definition of averagely


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The word "averagely" is not a widely recognized or commonly used term in the English language. It is not listed in many dictionaries, including Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, or Oxford. However, it's possible that "averagely" is a colloquialism or a variant of the word "average". The word "average" comes from the Latin "aerugineus", meaning something medium or of halfway quality. It entered the English language in the 15th century and originally meant " middle-sized" or "medium". It's likely that "averagely" is a informal or regional variation of "average", used to mean something that is typical or representative of the average. However, without further information or context, it's difficult to provide a more specific origin or definition of the word. If you have any more context or clarification about how "averagely" is being used, I'd be happy to try and help you further.


in a way that is typical or normal and not particularly high or low

theo cách điển hình hoặc bình thường và không đặc biệt cao hay thấp

  • He was attractive and averagely intelligent.

    Anh ấy hấp dẫn và có trí thông minh trung bình.

  • an averagely priced house

    một ngôi nhà có giá trung bình

in a way that is not particularly good or special, but not bad

theo một cách không đặc biệt tốt hay đặc biệt, nhưng không tệ

  • I expected something averagely written and acted.

    Tôi mong đợi một tác phẩm được viết và diễn xuất ở mức trung bình.