Definition of all


tất cả


Definition of undefined

The word "all" has its origins in Old English, specifically in the Proto-Germanic word "*aliz," which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ol-" meaning "to collect" or "to gather." This root is also seen in the Latin word "omnis" and the Greek word "hallô" both meaning "all." In Old English, the word "all" was used as an adjective, pronoun, and adverb, and it primarily meant "entire" or "whole." Over time, the meaning of "all" expanded to include "every" or "each individual." In Modern English, the word "all" is used in a variety of contexts, including as a pronoun ("I know all of the answers"), an adjective ("All of the team is going to the game"), and an adverb ("She came all the way from New York"). Throughout its evolution, the word "all" has maintained its core meaning of inclusivity and totality, encompassing everything or everyone within a given scope.


the whole number of

toàn bộ số lượng

  • All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.

    Tất cả ngựa đều là động vật, nhưng không phải tất cả động vật đều là ngựa.

  • Cars were coming from all directions (= every direction).

    Ô tô đến từ mọi hướng (= mọi hướng).

  • All the people you invited are coming.

    Tất cả những người bạn mời đều đang đến.

  • All my plants have died.

    Tất cả cây trồng của tôi đều đã chết.

  • All five men are hard workers.

    Cả năm người đàn ông đều là những người làm việc chăm chỉ.

the whole amount of

toàn bộ số tiền

  • All wood tends to shrink.

    Tất cả gỗ có xu hướng co lại.

  • You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work.

    Bạn đã có tất cả niềm vui và tôi đã có tất cả công việc khó khăn.

  • All this mail must be answered.

    Tất cả thư này phải được trả lời.

  • He has lost all his money.

    Anh ta đã mất hết tiền của mình.

used with singular nouns showing something has been happening for a whole period of time

dùng với danh từ số ít để chỉ điều gì đó đã xảy ra trong suốt một khoảng thời gian

  • He's worked hard all year.

    Anh ấy đã làm việc chăm chỉ cả năm.

  • She was unemployed for all that time.

    Cô ấy đã thất nghiệp suốt thời gian đó.

the greatest possible

lớn nhất có thể

  • In all honesty (= being as honest as I can), I can't agree.

    Thành thật mà nói (= thành thật nhất có thể), tôi không thể đồng ý.

consisting or appearing to consist of one thing only

bao gồm hoặc dường như chỉ bao gồm một điều

  • The magazine was all advertisements.

    Tạp chí toàn là quảng cáo.

  • She was all smiles (= smiling a lot).

    Cô ấy luôn mỉm cười (= cười rất nhiều).

any whatever

bất cứ điều gì

  • He denied all knowledge of the crime.

    Anh ta phủ nhận mọi kiến ​​thức về tội ác.


and all that (jazz, rubbish, stuff, etc.)
(informal)and other similar things
  • I'm bored by history—dates and battles and all that stuff.
  • for all
  • For all its clarity of style, the book is not easy reading.
  • used to say that something is not important or of no interest or value to you/somebody
  • For all I know she's still living in Boston.
  • You can do what you like, for all I care.
  • For all the good it's done we might as well not have bothered.
  • not all that good, well, etc.
    not particularly good, well, etc.
  • He doesn't sing all that well.
  • not as bad(ly), etc. as all that
    not as much as has been suggested
  • They're not as rich as all that.
  • We didn't play particularly well, but we didn't do as badly as all that.
  • of all the…
    (informal)used to express anger
  • I've locked myself out. Of all the stupid things to do!
  • of all people, things, etc.
    (informal)used to express surprise because somebody/something seems the least likely person, example, etc.
  • I didn't think you, of all people, would become a vegetarian.
  • on/from all sides | on/from every side
    in or from all directions; everywhere
  • We realized we were surrounded on all sides.
  • Disaster threatens on every side.
  • She was bombarded with questions from all sides.