Definition of voraciously


một cách phàm ăn


The word "voraciously" has its roots in the Latin words "vorare," meaning "to devour," and the suffix "-ously," which forms an adverb. The word was first used in the 15th century, derived from the Old French word "voracier," which is also related to the Latin "vorare." The earliest recorded use of "voraciously" dates back to 1450, in a translation of the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Initially, the word meant "to eat with great appetite" or "to consume with reckless abandon." Over time, the connotation of the word expanded to include a sense of intense hunger or craving for something, not just food. Today, "voraciously" is often used to describe devouring books, information, or even attention, as well as describing a person's insatiable appetite or enthusiasm for something.


in a way that involves eating or wanting large amounts of food

theo cách liên quan đến việc ăn hoặc muốn ăn một lượng lớn thức ăn

  • Some animals feed voraciously in summer and hibernate in winter.

    Một số loài động vật háu ăn vào mùa hè và ngủ đông vào mùa đông.

in a way that involves wanting a lot of new information and knowledge

theo cách liên quan đến việc muốn có nhiều thông tin và kiến ​​thức mới

  • Ever since her childhood she had read voraciously.

    Ngay từ khi còn nhỏ, cô đã đọc rất nhiều.

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