Definition of absurdism


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The word "absurdism" originates from the French term "absurde," which was coined by French philosopher Albert Camus in the 1940s. Camus used the term to describe the concept that humanity's search for meaning and purpose in life is inherently contradictory, as humans are finite and subject to the arbitrary and unpredictable nature of the universe. In this context, absurdity refers to the tension between humanity's desire for meaning and the fact that the universe is indifferent to human existence. Camus argued that this absurdity is a fundamental aspect of human existence, and that it requires individuals to take responsibility for creating their own meaning in life. Camus's concept of absurdism has since been applied to various artistic and literary movements, including theater, literature, and philosophy, to describe the triumph of the human spirit over the absurdity and chaos of the universe.


the belief that humans exist in a world with no purpose or order

niềm tin rằng con người tồn tại trong một thế giới không có mục đích hay trật tự

deliberately strange or silly behaviour or character

hành vi hoặc tính cách kỳ lạ hoặc ngớ ngẩn cố ý

  • the absurdism of the Dada movement/Monty Python

    sự phi lý của phong trào Dada/Monty Python