Definition of abstractly


trừu tượng


The word "abstractly" has its roots in Latin, with the prefix "ab-" meaning "away" or "from" and the word "trahere" meaning "to draw" or "to take". In the 15th century, the Latin phrase "abstrahere" emerged, which means "to draw away" or "to isolate". This phrase eventually evolved into the English word "abstract", which means "separated from material existence" or "non-physical". The adverbial form "abstractly" emerged in the 17th century, meaning "in an abstract manner" or "away from material existence". The word describes a way of thinking or perceiving that is disengaged from concrete reality and focused on theoretical or conceptual ideas. Throughout the centuries, the word "abstractly" has been used in various contexts, including philosophy, art, and science, to describe the process of abstracting or generalizing concepts and ideas.


in a way that is based on general ideas and not any particular real person, thing or situation

theo cách dựa trên những ý tưởng chung chứ không phải bất kỳ người, vật hay tình huống cụ thể nào

  • Young children may not have the ability to think abstractly.

    Trẻ nhỏ có thể không có khả năng suy nghĩ trừu tượng.

not representing people or things in a realistic way, but expressing the artist's ideas about them

không đại diện cho con người hoặc sự vật theo cách thực tế, mà thể hiện ý tưởng của nghệ sĩ về chúng

  • She began to paint abstractly again.

    Cô ấy lại bắt đầu vẽ tranh trừu tượng.