Definition of mathematically


về mặt toán học


The word "mathematically" has its roots in the Greek language. The word "mathema" (μαθήμα) means "knowledge" or "learning", and the suffix "-tic" (-τικός) is used to form an adjective meaning "pertaining to" or "related to". Therefore, "mathematically" can be translated to "pertaining to knowledge" or "related to mathema". In English, the word "mathematically" has been used since the 16th century to describe something that is related to or is a characteristic of mathematics. The term is often used to describe a solution or method that is rigorous and precise, as in "mathematically proven" or "mathematically modelled". Over time, the word "mathematically" has evolved to encompass not only the study of mathematics but also the application of mathematical principles to other fields, such as science, engineering, and economics.


according to the rules of mathematics

theo các quy tắc toán học

  • It's mathematically impossible.

    Về mặt toán học thì điều này là không thể.

in a way that uses or is connected with mathematics

theo cách sử dụng hoặc liên quan đến toán học

  • to model/calculate/prove something mathematically

    mô hình hóa/tính toán/chứng minh cái gì đó bằng toán học

  • Some people are very mathematically inclined (= interested in and good at mathematics).

    Một số người rất thiên về toán học (= quan tâm và giỏi toán).