Định nghĩa của từ lead1


Dẫn đầu1


Word OriginOld English lǣdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch leiden and German leiten, also to load and lode.

first place

the position ahead of everyone else in a race or competition

Ví dụ:
  • She took the lead in the second lap.
  • to hold (onto)/regain the lead
  • The Democrats now appear to be in the lead.
  • He has gone into the lead.
  • The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field.
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • That game puts her back into the lead.
  • They regained the lead with only a few minutes left to play.
  • We were struggling to stay in the lead.

the amount or distance that somebody/something is in front of somebody/something else

Ví dụ:
  • a commanding/comfortable lead
  • to extend/stretch/double/increase your lead
  • Labour have taken a lead of five points in the polls.
  • He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.
  • An own goal from United gave Chelsea an early two-goal lead in the 11th minute.
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • The polls have given Labour a five-point lead.
  • Manchester lost their early two-goal lead.
  • They took an early lead.
  • They took a 3–0 lead in the first leg of the semi-final.
  • The yacht quickly established a one-mile lead over the nearest rival.
  • This win gives the team a two-point lead over their closest rival.
  • He had opened up a small lead over his opponent.
  • The team has now built up a commanding lead.
  • She has a narrow lead over the other runners.
  • Opinion polls showed him with a solid lead over his rivals.
  • Houston increased their lead to 13–7
  • Sheffield increased their lead just before half time.
  • He gradually extended his lead in the second half of the race to win by 49 seconds.

Từ, cụm từ liên quan


an example or action for people to copy

Ví dụ:
  • If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead.
  • If we take the lead in this (= start to act), others may follow.
  • You go first—I'll take my lead from you.
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • Sixth-formers are seen to give the lead to younger students.
  • Intellectuals took the lead in criticism of the government.
  • The country is yearning for a firm moral lead.
  • The report did not provide a clear lead for the improvement of training.
  • The government should give a lead in tackling racism.
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • corporations that have chosen to take the lead on the privacy issue

a piece of information that may help to find out the truth or facts about a situation, especially a crime

Ví dụ:
  • The police will follow up all possible leads.
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • leads on the murderer's identity
  • They have several solid leads in their investigation.
  • The police are following every possible lead.
  • Some promising leads are already emerging.
  • It turned out to be a false lead.
  • He said that he has a lead as to where Dylan may be.
  • Did you find any leads when you searched it?

Từ, cụm từ liên quan

in business

a person or thing that may be useful to you, especially a possible new customer or business opportunity

Ví dụ:
  • The marketing campaign generated hundreds of new leads.

the main part in a play, film, etc.; the person who plays this part

Ví dụ:
  • Who is playing the lead?
  • the male/female lead
  • Both Christine and Fiona want the lead role.
  • I always dreamed of becoming the lead singer in a band.
  • the band's lead guitarist
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • Who is playing the lead?
  • He sings the lead on four tracks.
  • Her big break came when she was chosen to play the lead in a Broadway musical.
person in charge

the person in charge of a project, department, etc.

Ví dụ:
  • Sam is the lead on this project.
  • Dr Mary Steadman, clinical lead in Accident and Emergency at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
  • He will become the lead presenter of the show from next month.

the first sentence or paragraph of a news story, giving the most important points of the story

Ví dụ:
  • Check out this lead from Monday's front page story:…
for dog

a long piece of leather, chain or rope used for holding and controlling a dog

Ví dụ:
  • Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.
Ví dụ bổ sung:
  • Let the dog off the lead.
  • We have to keep him on a tight lead when there are other dogs around.
  • Give your dog a period of exercise off the lead.
for electricity

a long piece of wire, usually covered in plastic, that is used to connect a piece of electrical equipment to a source of electricity

Từ, cụm từ liên quan

Thành ngữ

bury the lede/lead
to fail to emphasize the most important part of a story or account
  • Unfortunately, he buried the lede in the last paragraph of the story.