Definition of zoom




The word "zoom" has a fascinating origin. It dates back to the early 19th century, derived from the Arabic word " zum", which means "to buzz" or "to hum". This etymology is linked to the sound of bees flying in formation. In the 1920s, the word "zoom" was adopted in American English to describe the rapid, smooth trajectory of an aircraft in flight. Initially, the term referred to the sound of an airplane's engines roaring as it accelerated, often accompanied by a sense of excitement and thrill. Later, in the mid-20th century, the word "zoom" took on a broader meaning, encompassing any rapid movement or acceleration, whether human-made or natural. Today, we widely associate "zoom" with digital camera functions, with the phrase "zoom in" signifying magnification and focus. The evolution of the word "zoom" is a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of language, reflecting the innovations and technological advancements of human culture.


to move or go somewhere very fast

di chuyển hoặc đi đâu đó rất nhanh

  • Traffic zoomed past us.

    Giao thông phóng qua chúng tôi.

  • For five weeks they zoomed around Europe.

    Trong năm tuần, họ phóng khắp châu Âu.

  • She spends her time zooming around the country.

    Cô dành thời gian phóng to khắp đất nước.

Related words and phrases

to increase a lot quickly and suddenly

tăng lên rất nhiều một cách nhanh chóng và đột ngột

  • House prices have zoomed up this year.

    Giá nhà đã tăng vọt trong năm nay.

  • Shares zoomed from 1567p to 1700p.

    Cổ phiếu đã tăng từ 1567p lên 1700p.