Definition of zero


số không


Definition of undefined

The word "zero" has an interesting origin. The term "zero" comes from the Arabic word "sifr," which means "empty" or "void." This Arabic word was used to describe a placeholder digit in numbers, which was used by Arab mathematicians in the Middle Ages. The Arabs inherited the concept of the concept of zero from India, where it was called "śunya," which means "empty" or "void." The Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata (476 CE) is credited with using zero as a place holder in numbers. The Arabic word "sifr" was later adopted into Latin as "cifra," and from there it entered various European languages, including Italian as "zero," French as "zéro," and English as "zero." Today, the word "zero" is used universally to represent the absence of quantity or value.




  • Five, four, three, two, one, zero… We have lift-off.

    Năm, bốn, ba, hai, một, không… Chúng ta đã cất cánh.

a temperature, pressure, etc. that is equal to zero on a scale

nhiệt độ, áp suất, v.v. bằng 0 trên thang đo

  • It was ten degrees below zero last night (= −10°C).

    Đêm qua nhiệt độ là âm 10 độ (= −10°C).

  • The thermometer had fallen to zero.

    Nhiệt kế đã giảm xuống mức 0.

the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all

số tiền hoặc mức độ thấp nhất có thể; không có gì đâu

  • I rated my chances as zero.

    Tôi đánh giá cơ hội của mình là bằng không.

  • zero inflation

    lạm phát bằng không