Definition of whitewall


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The term "whitewall" originates from the early days of automobile tires. In the 1920s, tires were often made entirely of black rubber. To add a touch of elegance and distinguish higher-end vehicles, manufacturers began using white rubber strips around the tire's sidewalls. This created a striking visual contrast, with the white "wall" surrounding the black tire. This trend caught on, and the term "whitewall" became synonymous with this specific tire design.


a tyre with a white line going round it for decoration

lốp xe có đường trắng chạy quanh để trang trí

the area at the sides of the head where the hair has been removed by shaving, with longer hair on the top and at the back

khu vực ở hai bên đầu nơi tóc đã được loại bỏ bằng cách cạo, với tóc dài hơn ở phía trên và phía sau